As a leader in test and measurement, Advantest works with technical visionaries at the forefront of the world's most exciting and emerging markets. Join us in shaping the supply chain of the future and setting standards in process & quality management!

Process & Quality Management
Process & Quality Management
Our pride and joy
Since 2017, we have regularly taken part in a comparison of the best employers in Germany. In 2021, our employees again participated in the anonymous and independent survey. The results confirm: We are a Great Place to Work! We first and foremost owe that great result to the people here at Advantest. Each and every day, they prove their dedication, take ownership, and bring passion to their work. And that makes us very proud.

When I compare Advantest with my previous employers, there is one very decisive advantage for me here: Here, the employee counts! We are treated as people and not as numbers. Our wishes, goals, concerns and needs are taken into account at all times and a lot of effort is made to make people feel comfortable. I personally sensed how much Advantest cared about bringing me on board as early as when I applied.